- equilibrium orbit
- равновесная орбита
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
equilibrium orbit — pusiausviroji orbita statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. equilibrium orbit vok. Gleichgewichtsbahn, f rus. равновесная орбита, f pranc. orbite d’équilibre, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Orbit (dynamics) — In mathematics, in the study of dynamical systems, an orbit is a collection of points related by the evolution function of the dynamical system. The orbit is a subset of the phase space and the set of all orbits is a partition of the phase space … Wikipedia
Geostationary orbit — Geostationary orbit.To an observer on the rotating Earth (fixed point on the Earth), the satellite appears stationary in the sky. A red satellite is also geostationary above its own point on Earth. Top Down View … Wikipedia
Homoclinic orbit — In mathematics, a homoclinic orbit is a trajectory of a flow of a dynamical system which joins a saddle equilibrium point to itself. More precisely, a homoclinic orbit lies in the intersection of the stable manifold and the unstable manifold of… … Wikipedia
Hyperbolic equilibrium point — In mathematics, especially in the study of dynamical system, a hyperbolic equilibrium point or hyperbolic fixed point is a special type of fixed point.The Hartman Grobman theorem states that the orbit structure of a dynamical system in the… … Wikipedia
Heteroclinic orbit — In mathematics, in the phase portrait of a dynamical system, a heteroclinic orbit (sometimes called a heteroclinic connection) is a path in phase space which joins two different equilibrium points. If the equilibrium points at the start and end… … Wikipedia
Hydrostatic equilibrium — occurs when compression due to gravity is balanced by a pressure gradient which creates a pressure gradient force in the opposite direction. The balance of these two forces is known as the hydrostatic balance.Mathematical considerationFor a… … Wikipedia
Halo orbit — A halo orbit is a periodic, three dimensional orbit near the L1, L2, or L3 Lagrange points in the three body problem of orbital mechanics. A spacecraft in a halo orbit does not technically orbit the Lagrange point itself (which is just an… … Wikipedia
Lissajous orbit — In orbital mechanics, a Lissajous orbit is a quasi periodic orbital trajectory that an object can follow around a collinear libration point (Lagrangian point) of a three body system without requiring any propulsion. Lyapunov orbits around a… … Wikipedia
Fish-Hook-Effekt — Die Artikel Hydrozyklon und Fliehkraftabscheider überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte entferne diesen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hydrozyklon — Schnittdarstellung eines Hydrozyklons Hydrozyklone sind Fliehkraftabscheider für Flüssiggemische. Mit Hydrozyklonen werden in Suspensionen enthaltene Feststoffpartikel abgetrennt oder klassiert. Ebenso werden Emulsionen getrennt, wie z. B.… … Deutsch Wikipedia